How to Raise a Man

Online course for mothers of teenage sons.

Presented by Teachable


What is this course?
How to Raise a Man is an online course based on my best-selling book, published by Penguin (South Africa) and Hatchett (Australia). 

This self-elect Teachable course is based on my tried and tested Strong Mothers-Strong Sons course which has already helped hundreds of mothers worldwide for 17 years.

This course is designed for mothers of teenage sons, who want to heal family dynamics and connect authentically with their sons. Yet any parent, grandparent or therapist of a teenage boy will benefit. I am always willing to share this work with parents willing to begin the conscious parent journey –  what a gift you are to your sons!

Let’s enjoy this journey of mothering together as we strive to be wise teachers, as well as humble students, of our children.

When does it begin?
You can start anytime and go at your own pace. Complete it in two days, or take your time. Once you enroll, you will have three months to complete the videos, the reading required and the worksheets.


There are six main topics, plus a bonus video. Every topic has practices and worksheets to complete.

Topics Covered

  1. Role of a Mother
    • How to parent a teenage boy.
    • Your role and dad’s as you navigate the teen years.
    • Tackling the effects of Covid & increased screen time.
  2. Who is this boy?
    • Understanding adolescence.
    • Understanding identity.
    • Understanding masculinity.
    • Understanding neurology of a teenager.
  3. Conscious Parenting
    • What is conscious parenting?
    • How conscious parenting applies to teenage sons.
    • Setting parent intentions.
    • Discover your family’s values and how they can be a guide to you.
  4. Role of Emotions
    • Your emotions, his emotions, and how to regulate them.
    • How to encourage a boy’s inner life and emotional intelligence.
    • Dealing with anger.
  5. Social life & Substances
    • Why teens use and abuse alcohol & drugs.
    • Tips on how to manage teenage alcohol & drug use.
  6. Communication
    • How to establish compassionate care and emotional support.
    • How to solve problems together.
    • Conscious communication worksheets.
  7. Bonus
    • Real mother’s issues Q&A.

What is the cost?
This investment lasts a lifetime.
For $220, you will receive 3+ hours of learning, workbooks and worksheets.

These topics reflect mother’s requests from my live courses.  In this Teachable self-elect course, you can explore the topics at your own pace and time. I am inspired to help mothers understand their sons more, and to truly see the needs of their sons, thereby deepening their relationships. It is my vision that as we heal our hearts, we heal our homes.

Learning about raising a son through manhood is a journey that we will embark on together, as a collective of conscious mothers. I want you to know that you are not alone with your parenting challenges. My course materials will give you the understanding and tools to tackle these profound years with your teenage sons. Together with my book, you can solidify a strong and loving re-connection as mom and son that will allow you blissful years into adulthood and beyond!

Book now to begin the incredible journey of conscious parenting!